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How to increase organic traffic 2020: SEO tips

These are great SEO tips and strategies for building large traffic in 2020. ... always means that your site is going to attract a large proportion of organic traffic.

1.Optimize for your readers, not search engines

First and foremost, write to your buyer so that you know who you are addressing your content to. By creating quality educational content that resonates with your ideal buyers, you will naturally improve your SEO.

This means the main issues of your personality and the keywords that are used in the search query. Optimization for search engines alone is useless; You have all the keyword-nonsense.

Please your buyer's personality, and you will automatically please the search engine.

2. Regular Blog

Blogging is possibly the most effective way to increase your organic site traffic. This lets you delve deeper into what your website allows and creates a large list of helpful, person-optimized content focused on the top of your market. However, poorly-written, spam or cheap content can do more harm than good. avoid it.

3. Plugin Blogosphere

The blog world is an interactive type of place. Read, link to other people's sites and blogs, and especially those working in your market, and they attract more prospects, hoping that you will read a comment, and link to you.

A good place to start is Quora. A monotonous strategy to get your voice out is to spend some time answering people's questions and providing real, valuable, and tangible insights to the specific area in which you specialize.

4. Use long-tail keywords

Do not go with the most popular keywords in your market. Use keywords that are more specific to your product or service. Over time, Google and other search engines will identify your website or blog as a destination for that particular topic, which in turn will boost your content in search rankings and help your ideal customers find you.

Remember: Ranking on Google is an area of ​​influence for a specific niche topic. For example, this blog post is targeted towards those who want specific education to increase organic traffic. We are not targeting keywords related to every SEO.

5. Down your Meta

The meta title, URL, and description are the three key elements to a customized web page or blog post. It is simple but effective. In fact, all on-page SEO factors are important to get right, but meta descriptions and metadata mean that you can tell Google what you're talking about.

We use a variety of tools including WordPress, HubSpot's SEO Tools, and Yoast SEO Plugin to help optimize our pages. But it is not enough to just 'install a plugin', you have to work on each page in return.

6. Create consistent quality content

Try to write and publish as often as possible, but not at the cost of quality! The more quality content - including thought leadership articles and blog posts - the more opportunities for organic traffic to come to your website or blog.

7. Use internal links

Once you have created a good back-up catalog of content, you can link it to the blog and your website, giving visitors more relevant content. This can keep visitors on your website longer, which helps boost your search rankings.

HubSpot calls this process Topic Clustering; We fully recommend you to watch short videos about this topic:
However, internal links are not heavily used; Too many and it looks like spam.

8. Encourage Incoming Links

Google prioritizes sites that have lots of incoming links, especially from other trusted sites. Encourage customers, friends, family members, partners, suppliers, industry mavens, and friendly fellow bloggers to link to your site.

The more incoming links you have, the higher your site will be, simply because, the more authoritative it becomes in the eyes of search engines.

But beware: SEO snake oil sellers try to trick Google with spam links from sites with low reputation. Some links can actually harm your SEO.

9. Blow Your Own Trumpet

You can link your content to yourself on your personal blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Stumbleupon, etc. - no spamming, mind. If people come from social media and spend time with their content, it is a strong signal to Google that the content is relevant, useful, and interesting.

10. Use Social Media

Get a presence on social media networks such as LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook, etc. All these activities help to reveal your name and website address on the Internet.

11. Use data and metrics to optimize results

Use something like Google Analytics to track visitors to your site and blog. It should be able to see where they come from and what keywords they have searched for that allow you to fix your content.

Finally, to increase organic site traffic, you need to give your customers what they want - quality advice, information, and insights.

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